How Happy Moms Raise Happy Children

I still find it such an honor when I’m invited to speak anywhere and having the opportunity to chat with Ellen Bryan (who is expecting her first little one soon!) on Great Day Washington which airs on WUSA9 in my hometown Washington, DC is a pretty big deal to me.

I’m certainly not an expert on all things happiness but I choose happiness daily and my children and my family have created happiness beyond measure that I gladly share with anyone any chance I get. Watch the video linked to the image in this blog post to hear my candid conversation about happiness and raising children with soon-to-be happy mama Ellen Bryan.

Parker’s Book Club – “Love is a Tutu” by Amy Novesky

My sister, Jana, gifted this book to Parker when Parker started ballet class a couple of years ago. This book is absolutely perfect for little ones who like dancing/ballet or have an obsession with tutus (like my daughters’).

“Love is a Tutu” is a really sweet, short book, and I love that it introduces dance terminology and dance-related vocabulary words. Parker would read this book every day if I let her.

“Love is a Tutu” is beautifully illustrated, and Parker especially liked that this book is pink, one of her favorite colors. I’m looking forward to checking out Amy Novesky’s other children’s books, too, all of which I heard and read wonderful reviews.

For more information about “Love is a Tutu” and to purchase a copy for your little ones, visit Amazon!